For a remarkable experience on Hilton Head, leave your car in the parking lot and knock out some fun time by renting a Moke (weird name, but it is catchy).
What’s a Moke? It’s a street-legal electric low-speed vehicle (35 mph limit). It looks like a baby Jeep. It can be charged with any household outlet and comes in a variety of colors with many options. There’s even an official James Bond version, complete with the 007 logo.
You can rent a Moke from Carolina Rides (844-378-6653) by the half-day, full day, or longer. They will deliver it right to your door, just like a bicycle. This is a great way to kick-up your vacation, wedding, family reunion, or even a corporate event.
There’s so much fun to be had. Go for the photo ops and bragging rights. Make a great impression and arrive in style.
Carolina Rides (844-378-6653)