Arrive home with the ultimate fish story – “I caught JAWS!” Perhaps this is why shark fishing is one of the most popular excursions for both family fun and serious sports fishermen alike.
Hilton Head Area Sharks
The Lowcountry does not lack in its share of these large mouthed, sharp-toothed fish. Mako, tiger, bull, and hammerheads – they are here. So are the lemons, black tips, bonnetheads, and sharpnose. Some are so large you don’t want them in the boat with you. Others are small enough to hold in your hand. (But they are all huge when you tell your story!)
Shark Fishing Off Hilton Head
Inshore and offshore shark fishing off Hilton Head is good year around, but it is generally best between April and October. Charters are available at any time of the day and include bait, tackle and licensing. You can choose either a large “party boat” that accommodates a large number of people, or a private charter for a small group or family.
Shark fishing from Hilton Head beaches is prohibited.
For those adventurous types wanting an offshore “monster” shark fishing trip, this is the specialty of the serious sport fishing captains. These half- and full-day hunts venture offshore to sunken wrecks and reefs, or the deep blue water of the Gulf Stream.
Inshore shark fishing is best suited for those seeking a shorter trip (three to four hours), especially families with children. Evening trips during the summer are the most popular.
Some companies will combine an inshore trip with Hilton Head’s summer fireworks display. Cruises designed specifically for kids offer a more educational and entertaining approach.
For more information, contact:
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters (843-785-3971)
Drifter (843-363-2900)
Kayak Hilton Head (843-684-1911)
Live Oac Adventures (843-384-1414)
Outside Hilton Head (843-686-6996)