Whether it’s Blackbeard, Mary and Stede Bonnet, or Jack Sparrow, pirates always seem to excite and fascinate us. Blood-curdling legends of sea rovers, tall ships flying the Jolly Roger, hidden coves, chests of treasure – that’s the stuff of intrigue and imagination.
Now your youngsters have a chance to experience what it was like to be pirate along the South Carolina coast in days of yore. Bring your little pirate aboard for about 90 minutes of all out fun – costumes, make-up, games, music and dancing, all while plying the waters of Calibogue Sound for sunken treasure.
Check the docks of our various marinas for availability. Pirate cruises operate seasonally.
For more information, contact:
The Holiday (Adventure Cruises) (843-785-4558)
One HHI (843-684-2004)