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Photo courtesy of Island Head

If you’re on the go – to the beach, boat or special event – grab a bite to eat at a food truck.

Hilton Head Island is experiencing a growing and vigorous food truck scene. Whether it’s on public beaches, marinas, or special events like the RBC Heritage golf tournament, you’re likely to find a food truck that caters to a variety of tastes as well snack and beverage needs.

As a descendant of the old western chuck wagon, “motorized food booths” began appearing on Hilton Head during the summer of 2017 with a pilot program of four trucks offering lunch on weekends in beach parking lots. Now, with so many local chefs out of work, a food truck is an easy and inexpensive alternative to the traditional brick and mortar restaurant. Hence the explosion of food trucks on Hilton Head. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control must license all food trucks.

Whether you want ice cream, a burger and fries, ethnic cuisine (such as Tortuga Tacos at Hilton Head Harbor), or just a cold drink, check out Hilton Head’s variety of food trucks.

Tortuga Tacos at Hilton Head Harbor (843-686-4386)

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