Legend has it that years ago a tin pie plate was thrown at Yale University and a new game was invented, eventually becoming known as Frisbee, named after the disc-shaped plastic “toy” invented and patented in 1964. Made popular on college campuses in the late 1960’s, Frisbee throwing has evolved into a game called Frisbee golf, or disc golf.
The Course and Equipment
Catching on in recent years, it is played on a course similar to a regulation golf course, complete with three sets of tees (gold, blue and white), fairways, water hazards, and holes, which are actually mounted steel baskets.
Instead of clubs and balls, you use specialized frisbee-like discs. There are even different kinds of discs, sized and weighted differently for driving, approaching and putting – and everything in between. The idea is to throw your disc from the “tee pad” area towards the metal basket surrounded by chains (or “disc catchers”) that help shots fall into the basket.
Sergeant Jasper Park
There are two courses in the Hilton Head area. At Sergeant Jasper Park, located in on Red Dam Road in Hardeeville (by I-95, exit 8), you can play the game on “The Sarge,” the only 18-hole disc golf course in the Lowcountry. The rugged terrain provides a gorgeous natural setting for this 5,361-yard course that is fun for players of all ages and skill levels.
Discs are available for purchase, but they would be happy to loan you one if you just want to try it out. It is free to play and the course is open daily year around, from 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. You can register at the Activity Center. For more information and directions, call the park at (843) 784-5130.
First Tee of the Lowcountry
On Hilton Head Island, The First Tee of the Lowcountry offers a nine-hole disc golf course. The course, opened in 2015, is mainly level with some elevation changes. The course has two sets of tees: the white tees give the course a length of 600 yards; the blue tees lengthen it to 880 yards.
The course is located on the north end of the Island at 151 Gumtree Road (map). The course is open daily to the public (Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 5:00 p.m.). You must register in the office, and a voluntary donation of $5 is kindly requested.
For more information, call First Tee of the Lowcountry at (843) 686-2680.